Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hyung Jin Moon's sermon July 4, 2009

Service 78 - Seeing your destiny

Hyung Jin Moon speaks about the importance of faith and visualization of a good future in order to be successful in life. He quotes texts from Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Rev. Moon to show that all religions believed that

faith is a light.

The sermon reminds me of the principles of the Law of Attraction, although Hyung Jin doesn't mention this particular type of New-Age thinking.

Hyung Jin goes on telling that before the Exodus, God through Moses asked the Israelites to collect and wear their gold, silver and jewelry. According to Hyung Jin this was because

they had to change their perspective on themselves.

Hyung Jin Moon explains that the Israelites felt to be slaves and were not allowed to wear jewelry. He believes that God wanted the Israelites to get faith in themselves by changing their outer appearance, just like is done in modern television make-over shows.

Personally i am not so sure that Moses asked the Israelites to wear precious things on their body in order to change their mindset. It may very well have been that in this way they could more easily take with them their riches because they were soon moving into the wilderness.

Hyung Jin Moon then makes the comparison to the situation of their church, which was long seen as a cult and

nobody believed persecution would go over.

He says that God wants Unificationists to now put on their gold and silver and often repeats the Obama slogan

yes, we can!

We can be the fastest growing religion in the world.

We're going to get big.... God is saying, i prepared this for you.... No longer will we be a cult.... God is saying, I'm giving you a make-over...

You can also watch the video here

Read also my follow-up blog

The gold that the Israelites took from Egypt

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